Industry insights

As a leading Global Life Sciences executive staffing partner we provide regular Insights into the industry to give professionals an expert view of the competitive landscape, current or future changes and challenges as well as market trends and forecasts.


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Zukunft der Life Science Industrie

Möchten Sie einen Schritt voraus sein? Dann nehmen Sie an unserer Experten-Podiumsdiskussion teil, die sich mit den Fortschritten in Digitalisierung und Supply Chain in der Life-Science-Branche befasst. Melden Sie sich […]

It has come to our attention that clients and candidates are being contacted by individuals fraudulently impersonating Skills Alliance representatives. If you receive a suspicious message, please DO NOT click on any links or attachments. We will never ask for bank/card details through phone calls. Our recruitment services are provided to candidates free of charge. If you are asked to make a payment, it is NOT a legitimate request from Skills Alliance. If you receive any communication claiming to be from Skills Alliance and are uncertain about its authenticity, please contact us directly.