Managing high workforce growth in the Life Sciences sector research report

Planning for high workforce growth

Research Report: High-growth companies remain ever-present within the Life Sciences sector. Regardless of the growth catalyst, the organisational ability to access, manage and retain the people skills required to capitalise on the growth opportunity – when, where and for the duration that a company needs them – will be critical to their success.

Having supported numerous Life Sciences organisations with their high growth workforce requirements, we are aware that workforce needs vary according to the driving force behind them.

Our latest research report on “Managing high workforce growth in the Life Sciences sector” sets out to evidence these needs by documenting observations on high growth companies within the sector.

The report also provides the applicable human resources (HR) & talent acquisition (TA) considerations in relation to high growth Life Sciences companies. Importantly, the report serves as a useful tool for HR and TA professionals as they embark on their strategic workforce planning to accompany these periods of growth.

The research identified, mapped and clustered 50 companies (with a combined visible headcount of 77k) where high growth in their predominantly white-collar workforce numbers was identified over the last two years (to early December 2023). This included growth that was organic or inorganic, through mergers and acquisition (M&A) activity or external investment.

Highlights from the report show that:

  • Visible workforce growth rates notably vary by growth driver
  • The growth driver also determines the occupation focus
  • High growth companies, to a varying degree, need to acquire and successfully accommodate ‘big company’ experience to help them grow
  • Successful high workforce growth cannot be achieved without agile and responsive workforce planning
  • High growth companies need to evolve their TA / TM skills and expertise to deliver on the diversifying requirements of high workforce growth

Download the report to discover the considerations needed by HR and TA professionals as they support their high growth organisations to business success.

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